What I Really Like Doing

Published: 28 November 2023

I love my job. Well, jobs, really! I’ve been mad keen on singing since I was a teenager – but that’s for another day. I’m also a voice coach, specialising in working with celebrants and celebrants in training.

Alexa… wrong sort of coach!

I have a heck of a lot of suggestions to offer which can help you to considerably improve your celebrant work… yes, yours. Things you may not have even thought of which can result in you presenting ceremonies in a natural, spontaneous-sounding way.

I’ve been in that situation, too, when someone has pointed out an idea or technique which has caused me to wonder “Why didn’t I think of that?”  I remember when I first got into presenting on radio, years ago,

Not THAT many years ago!

I came across something which opened my eyes to the best way to communicate with a radio audience. As it happens, this approach works just as well with a live audience sitting (or standing) in front of you. (I hope this is registering with your celebrant antennae.) And I don’t know whether I’d have ever worked it out for myself – maybe, probably not.

At least the woman in front is listening

Since then, I have come up with fresh ideas of my own, and I’ve further developed and perfected them. They’re not hard to understand, but the chances are that you won’t have come across them in your celebrant training or work. I put my ideas across in a friendly, fun and relaxed way.

If you’re prepared to put some work in, and practise what I teach, you’ll find that your ceremonies can be lifted to a much higher level. This applies to your voice, and perhaps even more importantly, to your communication – how you connect with your audience.

I offer a free no-obligation chat (phone or Zoom) so you can see whether you’d benefit from working with me. Usually, the answer is yes. I work on a session-by-session basis. Some people book just one, and take it from there. Others commit to between two and four sessions. I charge £70 for a one-hour session. (And as someone remarks in the testimonials, I’m generous with my time.) When you get to four sessions, you get a fifth one, free of charge.

(Here’s another blog that tells you why I’m highly qualified to be a celebrant voice, presentation and communication coach.) https://paulrobinsonvoicecoaching.co.uk/my-background-and-celebrant-training/

Website: https://paulrobinsonvoicecoaching.co.uk/

Email: paulyrobinson@outlook.com

07469 957 199