Paul Robinson
Voice Coaching

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Voice Coaching


Paul is an expert of the voice and all things vocal communication. He is an encouraging, generous and skilled educator and worked magic in drawing out the best from me. Overflowing with techniques, vocal exercises to explore and with a great sense of humour, training with Paul was fun, enlightening and incredibly beneficial for developing my skills as an effective communicator and celebrant. If you want to elevate your vocal delivery to excellence, work with Paul.

Rosie Carter-Suso

I received a lovely compliment this morning – but it’s really a compliment for Paul. The Chapel Attendant, John, at the Crem where I work a lot told me a story about a Celebrant he holds in high esteem- a gentleman who retired recently. John then told me that I’m the only Celebrant he knows who is as good as that chap, because I make the eulogy flow naturally, rather than speaking like most of the other Celebrants, who sound like they’re preaching or reading from a story book. This Chapel Attendant even recommended me for his brother-in-law’s funeral. So, the voice training clearly did the trick Paul – thank you for helping us all to be the best we can x

Glynis Haveron – again!

I had a number of voice training sessions with the wonderful Paul Robinson, excellent voice over artist and Celebrant.

Paul taught me how to confidently deliver those ceremonies – how to use my breath, how to infuse emotion, how to make the script appear as if it is just occurring to me, truly a skill I did not know I needed, but it has made such a difference to my delivery.

And it’s also the reason why I now, as completely tone deaf and unmusical as I am, I croon along to all the songs on the car radio, to help condition my voice for speaking – other car drivers must think I’m a nutter when they pass me, because I really get into it!

Michelle Knight

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P.A.T.E.R. radio award (World’s Best Afternoon Show); Masefield Poetry-Speaking Prize (Rose Bruford College); Golden-Twig Award for overacting at the Mercury Theatre; Cycling Proficiency (99%!); 25 Yards Breaststroke.